More than likely there are many of you that are familiar with the game of craps. A very fun and simple game that is very popular in any casino. This program simulates the roll of two dice by using a random number function. Feel free to copy and paste the code and improve it.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> void play_craps(); int main(void) { char answer,junk; do { printf("\n\n\n"); printf("Would you like to play a game of craps/? Type y for yes" " or n for no:"); answer=getchar(); junk=getchar(); if(answer=='y' || answer=='Y') play_craps(); }while(answer=='y' || answer=='Y'); system("pause"); return 0; } void play_craps() { int rand_int(int a, int b); srand(time(NULL)); int die_1,die_2,die_3,die_4,roll,roll_2; die_1=rand_int(1,6); die_2=rand_int(1,6); roll=die_1 + die_2; printf("You rolled a %i\n",roll); if(roll==7 || roll==11) { printf("You Win!\n"); return; } else if(roll==2 || roll==3 || roll==12) { printf("You Lose\n"); return; } else { do { die_3=rand_int(1,6); die_4=rand_int(1,6); roll_2=die_3 + die_4; printf("You rolled a %i\n",roll_2); if(roll_2==roll) { printf("You Win"); return; } }while(roll_2 != 7); printf("You Lose"); } } int rand_int(int a, int b) { return rand()%(b-a+1)+a; }